Friday, January 30, 2009

Feb 3rd marks 50 years of the day the music died....

Yes sir reebob..The music.. all of it... died ..Feb. 3rd 1959. We now are able to ustream our show on the site for some of you? Others .. uh, yah.. anyway, I'm sure your wondering how the music died? Arn't you.??. Then why is it still playing in 2-grand-nine?? HUH?? I know you want to know.. You'll have to wait and see for dot dot..hhhaaaa!!!Haaaaa!! That was my Karate move.. WATCH!! OUT PEOPLE!!
We also had some other fun times.. check us out for yourselves.

Friday, January 23, 2009

Sam Cooke's Big day/ustreaming/what??

Hello all !! out there in radio internetland...Last nights show was interesting to say the least, we tackled such bright ideas as ustreaming which made me laugh almost the entire show.. that was crazy tim!! Thanks for a few laughs, it was also Sam's birthday you'll have to listen to find out more..see ya next week..

Friday, January 16, 2009

January 15, 2009 CBK TK show

Tim said this was the best that must mean that you must listen to this one.. I'm not too sure how many you can listen to, but hey listen anytime anyway!! Whatever is posted you may listen to. This time we had a bunch of call-in's All the way from the West coast of Oregon-Indianapolis, Indiana.. NICE!! Don't forget the "upstairs caller.. that was hilarious!!
CBK radioland is surely comming along.. Thanks for listening!!!
CBK staff.

Elvis presley's big shuuuuu

We did a tribute to the "big E's" big day!! Jan 8th is Elvis's birthday. It would have impressed Elvis until Tim got too tired of BiG "E" music.. where's the love??

Blog talk couldn't decide if we were capable of running such an extremely awesome show so they decided to cut us off a few times nice try Blogtalk we prevailed!!