Thursday, December 23, 2010

New blog

Hey there hi there ho ho ho there... The date: 12/23/2010
The Time: 8;06 pm Utah mt. time. The place your here, ya know... Hello fellow boo ers.. hahaha that's for audioboo.. haven't been here in a while...where have you guys been// huh// cum!!! on!!! hhahaahahha, hey just wanted to wish you and yours a happy holiday SEASON... Mele kaliki makka and of course a houle makka hikki hou!!! You Hawaiians, should know what I mean... ALL IS WELL for the most part haven't been doing much as a show goes but maybe I should get a facebook thing goin huh??? What do you think?? Let me know, good idea cannonball!! Wishing you all well and here's to a great two -grand- eleven-.....hey hey hey??? LOVE DA PEEPS!!

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

cbkradioland show # 10 I think..uh...

Probably more than that.. Just did a show solo, and fyi sound is great as long as I'm speaking into the mic... I am surprised at that, for 1, second, The show details and sounders and effects and promos. etc.. are not audible at alll!! SO sooorryy!! Gotta work on some things, but it's ok!! and I hope you enjoy this one..
see ya.. wanted to also tell you I'm still alive. aloohhaa!!

Friday, June 4, 2010

cbk t.v spot

This is my first TV commercial! Listen it's my voice.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

zSHARE - Glenn-Demo.mp3

zSHARE - Glenn-Demo.mp3
This is my newest production.. Please enjoy if you need to catch up can catch me at Thanks!! As always and wishing you well!!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Last night!

Good day and happy Sunday all. CBK here and wishing you and yours a new show to tune into.. last night I got together with Mr. mr.r...oohhh, TK ..and we talked about V/O stuff and radio and played the newest CBK recordings..It was mellow & more informative than comical, but clever as always. Have a great rest de su dia. See ya! Don't forget to wish CBK a "hb" in now 3 days and counting.....

Friday, March 12, 2010

Told Y A!! I'm back!!

For if your in the office and have nothing better to do but listen to elevator music this is BETTER!!

NEW SHOW from enjoy!!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

YO!! Waz UP??

HI were here..just checkin!! IN!! For March Hahahaah!! I'm crackin UP!! We'll be back..I'm super busy!! I have a few cool things and we will make them hearable soon!! Thanx!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

new show for 2 grand 10... W/ special guest TK!!

Here ya go go 2010 Start off!!

Thursday, January 7, 2010


Thanks Tim, I appreciate you uploading that last Xmas type show down onto our website!!! Thanks for all you do!! have a great day!! CBK!!

Monday, January 4, 2010

Newer year!

Happy New year to all and to all a good night!! Hope 2 grand ten is a good one!!