Saturday, February 7, 2009

Our 10th Show!! Can You Believe it??

Why Howdy pARDNERS.. Nice writing or sounding No, CBKRADIOLAND isn,'t goin Country.. but just you wait!! Q! hahah!! I can't believe were at 10 shows already and it only took 10 weeks to get up to speed,wow! Great show this night, CBK got kicked off not once but thrice I say!! I even said good....Then Tim had to finish off by stating TUNE into NEXT weeks show...The one and only "Michael Boolgaloo Shrimp Chambers" will be here live to talk along with us on the show. He's a classic you remember when POPPING was cool? He was in "Breakin and Breakin 2" and numerous other adventures, even most recently as a "Popping Mickey" in the good ol' Walt Disney World Resort in Florida. So as they say Please Stand by Next week ought to be something we have never encountered before..
Thanks a-lot ... see ya!


Unknown said...

I just realized that it is so cool to now actually watch the cbkradioland show compared to just listening..Tim is having so much fun dancing etc.. I can't wait to see myself dancing in the future.