Saturday, August 29, 2009

Aug 27th 09 show/Tv!

Waz up?? People I love the People! Sometimes I love them. Guess what? Last Thursday we, Tim and myself..actully did a show together. He was up... I was up.. it was great we were all rearin and ready to go. It's been a crazy week for CBK, New job new stuff to go along con a job.. So WE Are now Ustreaming!! LIVE content!! Then recording it for all to see But now you finally got to see my UGLY MUG!! YAY! Now you know why I have not shown myself to any de tu for some time. Show must go on.. I perfer the non-video form but Hey I learned a few things, so it was cool. I like the Ustream. Anyhew, all is well we did play some tunes very short ones but we did. It was awesome!! After so much time passing by cbkradioland may very well be on it's way again. Oh and one other thing, we don't have to do it on Thursdays now we can do it on.... "YYYYOUINGGGINNNN' day!! Do you know what day that is? Neither do I. BUT that's the point. It really dosn't matter what day. I can do it on a Sat, Sun, Mon ..Whatever day I want Cause Now CBK has the power!! Until next time.. Adios Muchacho's!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

oh hey wait..WAIT!!

More stuff to say... I did speak to Tim last night as well prior to my solo appearance. If you've been waiting for the Ashton product, satnd by! It should be on the way. Soon!! 1 other thing, I believe you can go to this web site the cbk blog and find the show from the 20th instead of going through the Ustream just fyi. Thnaks for listening!! See ya!

CBK comes back to the internet waves!! TEST!!

Yes it's quite true!! I am back. Where in the world have I been? Good question? I am still alive! Back off!! If you happen to listen to the show from August 20th, I came back!! SOLO!! I have been around but, Things get in the way as life progresses. You probably already know this. Anyway I did a show solo as I stated prior. Tim was sick last night so I decided to try and go it all alone! I DID!! I was pretty amazed at my self, plus all the info as to where we have been is all included in this program. What we have been or not been doing, etc.. etc.. I recorded it to or onto Ustream!! So if you'd like to listen please check out the Ustream web site and look or type it: cbkradioland and you should see the date and time and you can listen that way. It's all there about 55 min. of me speaking.. all-by-my-self.... maybe I need to re-think my voice!! Hahahhaahhha!! Enjoy!!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Well there!! HOwzit?? RADIO!!

OK friends we have lift-off!! Picture "huge smoke billowing out and around everything and large sound effects fire and ice meet in this cataclismique world of something maybe like a space ship taking off from Earth and into the BEYOND"!! HHHHHAAAAAAhhhhhhaaaaaaa get the pic? Now that was cool. Tim and myself actully worked on the show last Thursday night believe it or not!! I actully did my own ... 1st ever maybe second I think I was on a pic stream for about 15 minutes. It was pretty cool, however you were looking at my nice belly!! That was the great part!! I sometimes showed my face but not too much for the audiance. That woulda been way to much. Anyway things are starting to begin as last weeks post was posted. I think I am capable of running my own show at this point?? I THINK!! Were slowly but surely getting something going. Just for those who are wondering?? I'm gonna try to put a smidge up on the web here too so stay tuned for great RADIO it oh, the way it used to be!! THANKS!! For your time.